Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Tonight is New Year's Eve. I'm working until 3 today and Gary is at home with the boys. Tonight, our friends, Dave & Ayleen are coming over to hang out and celebrate! Christmas was great. We went to see Gram & Pap B. on Christmas Eve (and just for a little while on Christmas Day) and we went to visit with Grandma & Pap R. on Christmas Day. Uncle Pete, Aunt Letia and Summer were home from Erie and it was so nice to see them and spend some time together! The boys got a lot of great gifts and Hayden's favorite was his Handy Manny Transforming Tool Truck! Nolan got a Busy Ball Popper and he loves it! They also got books, clothes, a few movies and other misc. toys too! Here are pictures of their favorites!


Life with Pog & FLeC said...

I like that Busy Ball Popper. Maybe M will have it on her birthday list. I'm wishing you and yours all the best in 2009.

Emmy said...

Jake has the train version of the busy ball popper, it's a big hit in our house too! :) It looks like you had a nice Christmas!